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Get Your Free Solar Cost +Savings Report

Includes incentives in your state.

Net Profit Over 10 Years

  • Power Generated in 10 Years $52,827
  • Increased Home Value $95,492
  • Loan Interest Paid -$10,049
  • Loan Principal Paid -$22,301

Partial Report Example (You Will Receive a Full Solar Report).

You Save

An average per year

Reduces CO2 Emissions

Metric tones per year

Equivalent to planting

Trees per year

Equivalent to Driving

Less per year

Get The Estimation of Solar Power In 2023

As solar panel prices continue to decline annually, now is the best time to transition to solar energy. With the introduction of new government incentives, numerous homeowners are seizing these advantageous opportunities. The cost of solar panels varies based on several factors such as your location, the brand of equipment chosen, and your energy consumption. This leads us to a pivotal inquiry: what is the cost of solar panels? Utilize our complimentary Solar Calculator to estimate the expenses of solar energy adoption in your region.

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Solar Panel Work Procedure

Solar energy operates by transforming sunlight into electrical power. This electricity can be utilized within your residence or sent back to the grid when surplus energy is available. The process involves the installation of solar panels atop your roof, generating Direct Current (DC) electricity. Subsequently, a solar inverter is employed to convert the DC electricity from the solar panels into Alternating Current (AC) electricity.

Solar Panels




Switch Board


Utility Meter



  1. 01 Your solar panels are made up of silicon photovoltaic (PV) cells. When sunlight hits your solar panels, the solar PV cells absorb the sunlight’s rays and electricity is produced via the Photovoltaic Effect. The electricity produced by your panels is called Direct Current (DC) electricity, and which is not suitable to be used in your home by your appliances. Instead, the DC electricity is directed to your central inverter (or micro inverter, depending on your system setup).
  2. 02 Your inverter is able to convert the DC electricity into Alternating Current (AC) electricity, which can be used in your home. From here, the AC electricity is directed to your switchboard.
  3. 03 A switchboard allows your usable AC electricity to be sent to the appliances in your home. Your switchboard will always ensure that your solar energy will be used first to power your home, only accessing additional energy from the grid when your solar production is not enough.
  4. 04 All households with solar are required to have a bi-directional meter (utility meter), which your electricity retailer will install for you. A bi-directional meter is able to record all the power that is drawn to the house but also record the amount of solar energy that is exported back to the grid. This is called net-metering.
  5. 05 Any unused solar electricity is then sent back to the grid. Exporting solar power back to the grid will earn you a credit on your electricity bill, called a feed-in tariff (FiT). Your electricity bills will then take into account the electricity you purchase from the grid, plus credits for the electricity generated by your solar power system that you don’t use.

With solar power, you don’t need to switch it on in the morning or switch it off at night – the system will do this seamlessly and automatically. You also don’t need to switch between solar power and the grid, as your solar system can determine when is best to do so based on the amount of energy being consumed in your home. In fact, a solar system requires very little maintenance (as there are no moving parts) which means you’ll hardly know it’s there. This also means a good quality solar power system will last a long time.

The Benefits of Going Solar

The premier advantage of the solar power system lies in its versatile adaptability, giving you instant access to renewable solar power. You no longer need an expensive, clunky system to enjoy the benefits of this green energy. It is now effortlessly accessible through multiple paneling technologies, and a host of independent, solar-powered products like solar lighting equipment, chargers and power banks, solar windows and blinds, portable solar power systems for camping and boating, etc.

Annual growth of 49%, thanks to solar-friendly government policies, rising demand, and falling prices of solar power systems. In fact, prices have fallen by 40% in the majority of American states!

Today, almost any American can tap into the vast benefits of a solar power system, in any place, in various ways!

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Your State

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